This Power App Accelerator can help you achieve your specific scheduling goals

  Schedule Work Orders

Work Order, Staff, Equipment and Services planning and scheduling made easy

  • Create specific schedules for your work teams.
  • Teams consist of 'Schedulable' Staff (users), outside Contacts, and/or Vendors (specific Accounts, sub contractors, service providers).
  • Drag & drop new Work Orders to any 'Schedulable' entity (user, contact, vendor) by date.
  • Plan equipment/ tools/ vehicles for the work.
  • Assign qualifications required for the work and match the qualifications tracked for schedulable staff, contacts, or vendors.
  • As you drag a work order over the calendar the appropriate qualification matching rows (staff, contacts) use color to indicate the match.
  • A work order may require multiple people. Split or share work across staff or contacts.
  • Track estimated vs actual time as well as resource work load vs capacity.
  • Equipment is hierarchical and can be a Location, System, Position or Asset.

Overview Video

Power Platform Solution Accelerator

Schedule Work Orders is quite young as a product. Our ideal customer will likely have been looking at the various SaaS alternatives and not find what they are looking for. They are already using the Microsoft Power Platform or are considering how it could be of value to their company.

The power platform allows a customer to take a product like Schedule Work Orders as a base line and easily configure, customize or integrate it with other apps they are using in their power platform environment.

Ideally, our customers contact us at Forthright Solutions to let us know of their ideas for future features and improvements. Let's discuss those together.

Schedule Work Orders is a model-driven Power App and best used as a solution Accelerator. We will be happy to help.

Sample Screen Snips:
Power Platform License Requirements

Please contact us to discuss how to acquire Schedule Work Orders from Forthright Solutions.

You will need to have or acquire:

  • A Minimum of (1) Power Apps Premium license ($20 USA/month/user or $27 CAN/month/user),
  • plus any number of Power Apps Per App passes ($5 USA/month/app/user)
  • These can be obtained from your Microsoft Partner, or directly from Microsoft via the Online Services Portal.

Schedule Work Orders is available from App Source

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